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Money Transfer

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

HAHA, this pic is super damn hilarious one!!
It's my BF's feet inside his sis's shoe.
Super funny, i was laughing like hell when he was wearing it!!!

Some pics that i took before headed out to meet my honey xiao hui at Bugis.
Whoo, my skin look really good in this shot.
I did not put any make up, jus e eyebrow , that's all~

we're very retard actually.

See, i told you.

Finally, i've the time to meet my honey out.
We shopped ard Bugis and i brought her to Haji lane.
wow... we spotted stuffs that we really like, and really costly too.
A pair of strappy gladiator heels really caught my eye thou.
i'm looking for it like sooo long, and many times it's either plain or rather not so nice on me.
But that pair was absolutely perfect!!
It's $150 plus... boo... cuz the leather was lamb skin, and it's superb soft and gentle on the skin. Best~ yet too much to afford it for now ~
I'll order online instead, spotted a few nice one too, haha...
We shopped kinda long there, had dinner back at Bugis junction at SiamKitchen.
I would say, i wont frequent there anymore, cuz i've never tasted anything like that for phad thai else where except SK.
It really spoilt our cravings for phad thai, ya, it was jus bad. :(
Oki, the remaining pics will be my cam-whoring one, so u can skip it if u wan to, hehe..

There's many interesting movies coming up soon.
Journey to the center of the earth
The mummy 2
Money not enough
The X files
I gonna watch them all~
Ah bui, bring me to watch all of them oki~
7:55 AM
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sianz, i gotta move house in like 2 months time.. during mid oct... zzz...
I really detest moving house..
There's so many things need to be done, packing then unpacking, like wtf!!!!
I guess it'll still be the same area, TPY... or maybe Tampines which my mum prefer (she thought orchard very near ah!! dotzz )
Haiya, anyway, I see no point moving la...

So no mood to blog already... sigh...
10:01 AM
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Like finally, my tw loots is on e way to my home...
wait till i've no interest with it already..
anyway, those masks are not prove authentic, so ya... risky to try...
I'm interested to the mini hair curler only.. haha..
Anyway, had upload pics that i took with my phone.

My Lovely BF~ muackz

Oh yes, i bought this bag already, ha.. the price was given reasonable, so yup, no hestitation then.. haha.. it's really LoVe~

Had my hair rebonded at my aunt salon.

Had a really chattable and lovely new girl as my colleague.

She's so adorable lah, and her serving customers skill is really great.

Thumbs up, impressive, speechless.

We will have like endless topics to talk abt, isn't it cool, we click really well~

Love and enjoy working with her.

And today, thou she's working at another shop, but she bought me snacks.. lol, fried mars bar.. whooo... yum yum, thanks liz for it ya~

The fried mars bar

All right, that's jus some cam-whore pics of me lah, hee~

8:52 AM
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Yesh, i changed my nail design again, lol..
and i do really love the blue diamond studs, they're really pretty and eye-catching.. hee..

Brunch with mommy, sis and BF at Crystal Jade, ohh... yum yum, i love xiao long bao~
Look at my sis looking so retard and mommy with what's-going-on-there expressions, lol.. too classic to not to post it up.
Yeah, i'm looking plain that day, w/0 any makeup.. allowing my skin to breathe!! My lovely BF, muackz.
We caught the movie "Red Cliff" in the evening, the show was good, i love (p.s, not any war movie that will make me think its nice).
The ending SUX HUGE~
Initially, i thought the show was a 3 hrs show, in the end, it was 2.5hrs and showing only PART 1.
Which means there's part 2... wtf~ it's not stated in the movie poster, and we watched it on the first day it was out, soooooo can anyone tells me when i'm expecting for the PART 2!!!!! 2 mths?? 3 mths?? DUHZ!!!!!
It jus ended where it's going to be the most crucial part, the war at the red cliff, argggzzz... so we paid like $10.50 per tix to watch something like introductory to the war at the red cliff lah... and if i've know e movie is going to be in this way, then i'll be more glad to buy DVD for the part 1 and watch it after part 2 is out and before watching it lo. HMPH!!!!

Maybe 3 hrs is not long enuff to end the whole story, and I know this idea of showing part 1 and 2 at a separate time is new, and the anticipation of watching part 2 will boost their tix selling rates, But, it's not a wise idea thou, it'll make viewers like me, wanna slapped the director or whoever who make it this way. It'll be better if part 1 and 2 is out at the same time, so that viewers can watch part 1 and watch part 2 at any other days, at least, the whole story of part 1 will be still vivid compare to after few months later. Oh well~

Anyway, We went century after the show to meet Aunty Tan, and also to have our dinner.
Afterwhich, BF went home, Aunty Tan and i waited for Adeline and Shiya before we head over to loyang chalet.
Had a good time at the chalet, and i had fun BBQ-ing... lol...

Some peektures to share that's taken at the chalet.

Adeline, shiya and Aunty Tan..
Posing with Martell and Choya.. ha..

8/11, our birth date that we both have it printed in our birth cert, hee..

Whoo, candid
They're looking for the magarine brush..
Still looking...

Mini Casino inside the room.
I love this pic with her, so lovely...

Adeline and friend, the Birthday Boy.

I'm thinking of a day to pack my wardrobe, so that i can figure out wat can i sell????
Gotta find 1 day when i have the mood to do so.. hee...
nitez nitez

7:46 AM
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I'm getting back my lovely samsung tmr~~~
Why is it lovely, heh... cuz it's going to be a good phone after service.

Off 2 days in a row.. yup, its going to be damn shiok to rest huh!!!

still waiting for my TW loots.... zzzzz...

I'm thinking of selling away some of my old clothes, some is still brand new... hmm... shall see how am i going to do about it then.

Ohya... i'm sooooo into the clip on hair extensions... I wanna get it for my hair too... wahaha... well.. hmmm... haha...

Sleeping soon...
nitez nitez
12:21 PM
Monday, July 07, 2008

With my cam-whore pic to start the blog rolling~ hiakhiak.

Cab to e airport T3 to see Miss Lee JY off. Times have been flying like rocket, cuz today is the day she's leaving singapore~

Other than her family members, She got many of her besties seeing her off too, from pri sch (that's me of cuz, hee), sec sch and poly, and maybe some ex-colleagues?? Most of them aren't stranger to me, cuz i've seeing their pics on JY's blog and i guess i'm no stranger to them too.. hehe..

The first pic i took with her at the airport, and her w/o make up.. hah.. oops. I LOOK DAMN weird in this pic la, as if i've got a slanding shoulder.

A shot of T3

A second shot with her, hmm.. a better one huh.

A grp shot of the people that's present.

That's her dad. Look alot alike ya.. haha..

A family photo took outside the departure gate

Well, it's my first time to actually see my bff off at the airport. And when she's hugging everyone goodbye, i really felt like crying already, but i hold back the tears, i dont wish to see the farewell to become too teary.. i'll miss her dearly.
And when the last person to hug was her dad, seeing her dad hugged her from the side and her head was leaning on his chest, his dad sayanging her head, mumbling to her of reminders on taking care of herself when she's there. That scenario was really heart-throbbing. I can almost put myself in her shoe and felt the pain of not being able to see ur family everyday like how it used to for 2 yrs. But she'll return with a degree of her interest and she'll be proud of herself then. =Pp.
Well, I did arcylic extensions for Aunty Tan, hee.. cuz her birthday's coming~ I love that diamond studs.. so bling bling, ha.. She loves it too, and i could tell from her face, cuz that expressions and satisfied smile on her face tells it all... it's Genuine.
On 6 july, Aunt Tan invited a few of her close friends to had a mini celebration with her. Had supper at Bedok 85, and it's her treats. Yum Yum, ha... carrot cakes, chicken wings, sting rays etc....
Aftermath, we sang her birthday song and pressie giving.
Her Burger Cake.
I'm so proud to say that i'm the one who suggest and bought this cake, lol, cuz when i first saw this Burger cake, I insisted on getting it no matter how much it costs for the nearest birthday boy/girl, and that's Aunty Tan.. haha...

So cute and so real right.

Aunty Tan and Xiong with Burger, hehe..

A grp shot with the ladies.

With the guys.

Pressie giving... haha.. we faked her with a cardigan inside a Coach carrier.

Lol, she looked blur when we insisted that it's from coach.

Time to unwrap her REAL coach.

Smile and posed with your coach pls.....

The night ended with a happy birthday girl, and happy friends. =)

My own nails, but i actually prefer Choo's one instead.

Ignore the pinky finger, ha.. cuz i tested it with other colors.

My tootsies chocolate's finally here!!!!
WOOHOO.... and it's surprising nice too.. yum yum.. chocolates that's we cant get it here.

Today, my mom brought home a huge LV carrier. Ha.. the biggest LV carrier i ever had at home.

placing my bag beside it to make a better comparison.

And inside the HUGE LV carrier, there's a small LV bag, whooo... e latest design of LV. So nice... I love it.. the design is similar to what i wanted of a bag from Ralph Lauren too.
The front view.
Back view.
Canvas material, cool... can use it for casual days. Mommy say she can get it at a better price... hmmm... if it's affordable, maybe i'll discuss with mommy that we can share the cost, make it as my birthday pressie then... muahahahha...

P.S// neh, ah bui.. this is the one that i told you... looks similar to the RL one that i want to get right.

nitez nitez
9:35 AM