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Money Transfer

Thursday, May 29, 2008

To my dearest Po Po,

Though u've left us to heaven with guardian angels around you, but ur heart-warming smile and ur lovely cute-ness will always stays with us.
We'll miss you dearly~

From ur grandchild,
Xiao Hui.
9:07 AM
Monday, May 26, 2008

Took this personality test some time back already, had saved the quote for updating.

Here goes :

My Quote:
"You sincerely believe that everything around you is beautiful, even though other people may not notice. You are a determined person and set high goals for your life.You are always wilful and most of the time, you are a stubborn person. But you love to work and are quite honest, which makes you good to get along with as a friend or lover.You are soft-minded. You find it's too hard to say "No" to others, especially when you are pushed. Quite often, you are taken advantage of because of your soft-minded nature."

Well, it's like 90% true abt me, that 10% is the sec sentence that i personally dont agree on. haha... I dont set high goals in my life, (or perhaps i dont regard them as "high" goals), they are jus goals that i wanna see myself to archieve. But not a "die die mus archieve kind", so that's not really high isn't it??

My goals ain't becoming a millionaire wat.. haha..
I jus wanna feel contented with everything for the rest of my life, lol.
I wanna keep a dog or two.
I hope i can get whatever i lust for with my own money~ BIG GRINS~
And to be more active for my purchaser post, so that 1 day i can really see the whole store had designs of what charlene and I come out with.

Ain't that tough to archieve bah... hehe..

Wilful and stubborn, Yes, I'm really very stubborn in a certain way.
Hmm... like i've decided on certain things/issues, i'll do it. No matter how ppl reviews abt it, good or bad, i have to see it, prove it to be convinced. Yesh, i'm jus stubborn in this way. Simple, i mean what i want, and if i'm forced to go against it, i'll be damn pissed and irritated. So, hehe... ppl out there dont try to go beyond or test my limits.

And for the last part of the quote, which i think it's real fucking true, it's highlighted in RED.
I'm super soft-minded, i dont really know how to reject ppl, and i dont even know why in the past. I jus cant seems to bring myself to reject ppl, i'll jus agree even though my mind really says the opposite. Argh, this character of mine can really pissed me off sometimes.
And now, i knew the reason why. Cuz i dont like to see the expressions of those ppl that i reject, it'll jus make me feel awkward and uneasy, i think.
So i'll jus say oki to what requested, and fulfilled it even if i'm reluctant. It's miserable, totally.
Why would i want to bring misery to myself... argghhgghhghh...
And YES, knowing that someone took advantage of you sucks.
Anyway, i'm learning to say "No" already, i'm not as easy as i'm used to be now. Anything that i think that is not in my favor or i'm reluctant to, i'll say "No".
It's a harsh word yet it's helpful.
It depends lah, i wont be so bad to my friends of course, haha.. but i'll consider whatever that i'm ask in future. I'll be more careful with my answer from now on.
I'm gonna change my nature. haha...

Alright, i'm going to watch my Tila show now..
7:46 AM
Friday, May 23, 2008

It's my off day today, and i'm being a good girl too.

Went out for brunch with mommy and head to central to stock up some groceries for tonight's steamboat dinner.
Hehe, i suggested that cuz i've got sudden craves for it.
That's y i said i'm a good girl, normally, i'll be out of my house after 2 hrs i woke up and off to my BF's house.

Bf's exams is around the corner, so e usual threesome is mugging almost everyday at BF's house.
All good boys. =)

Bought lots of yummies from NTUC, haha..
Bought all of my Bf's fav ingredients for steamboat, so that he'll be a glutton later, haha...
And i've stocked up myself with 3 tubs of ice creams of my fav, and chocolates. woo hoo...

Bought magazines, and been hooked onto the com for hrs already... hehe, it's a good thing, cuz ya know, i wont always have this kind of chance to have the com all to myself for hours.

Reading ppl's blogs, reading tabloids, watching Youtubes on Tila T, whoo... and she's damn Hot and pretty can. I wish i have her bobs, it look toned... lol, and she's a Bi, that's pretty cool. Les and Guys would really wanna get her.

My IB device is here, so i can shop online hassle-free again~~~ yeah..
Hate it when i wanna get something online and i gotta go to an atm to do transfer, it's so troublesome.

Haven't been so relaxing at home already, with only my mommy and daddy at home.
They do their stuffs and i'm doing my own, w/o disturbance. hehe...

Some random pics.

This pic was took some times back, at st james.
Look at my stupid reddish face again... had quite much that night, and puke in the end.
haha... but at least i could still walk on my own.

Met up with the gang at Geylang for supper.
Sheena brought Rico along...
So adorable and so baby-like.
haha... loves loves.

This is my DIY acrylic extensions nails.
I love it. Next time i can do it myself and save the money on my puppy fund.
hee... anyone wanna donate into my puppy fund? You're very welcome!!!!

I'll be waiting for my Bf to come over my place for steamboat dinner while i'm enjoying my time using the com.
Bye bye.
12:56 AM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

It's been another long time since i've blog again...
this sentence has the "most appearance" at the beginning of my blog.. lol
cant help, it's not that i dont wanna blog regularly, but sometimes...
  1. There's nothing much to blog about.
  2. I'm too lazy to blog.
  3. I'm not in the right mood to blog.
  4. Wanna upload pics be4 blogging, but blogger c.o.c.k up on me.
  5. no time to use the com.

See, there's so many reasons why i dont blog regularly... ha, maybe others might think all of the above are bullshits, it's jus 1 word, LAZY.

But hey, sometimes when i got the chance to use the com(meaning i can use for like hrs), in the right mood to blog, there's something to blog about, got pics to share... blogger's will create problem for me, making me unable to upload my pics. So what's the point of blogging something to share w/o pics. Boring right, no pics... if i'm the reader, i'll lose interest in reading it anyway.

And ya... when ur finally can see my entry now, meaning blogger is either not watching on me now, or they're sick of creating problems... waahahah...





L.A.M.E... =_=!!!

Alright, some proper bloggin.
went to Wanni's birthday where she host it at her house... with home cooked dishes awaiting for us... hehe...
I dragged my fatty along too.. haha..
Lots of catching up with them over the dining table..
it felt great to be around them, cuz we;ll keep joking ard.. haha..
after dinner, Wanni took out some albums that she kept photos of us during our sec sch times..
Goodness... those pics are really classic to e max already can.
Lol... cant imagine she got those pics and dont even know when those pics was taken.
And some of it got me in it which is totally tah-glam lah.
So Jing Dian.. haha.. Ah bui saw those pics and spotted my trademark pose in almost every pic.
And we jus laugh over it lah...
we left at about 6 plus 7, cuz darling is getting bored and will doze anytime.
Everyone had graduated from the school, and had gradually step into the working society, becoming more like an adults.
Thou we're still like be4, talking nonsensical stuffs, making fun of each other, but 1 day, we'll see ourselves getting more mature, more decent, and behaving like a real adult.
Sad... time really flies...
We had seen how one another grow from a kid to teens and now young adults that had to earn and share to lighten the burden in the household.
Cool huh...
Cheers to friendship forever!!
Too bad Aunty Tan last min cant make it that day.
We hadn't really have the chance to meet up with them together, dued to work.
Looking forward to the next gather with Aunty Tan's presence.
Pics took at Wanni's house.
Me with Xiujuan.
That's Wanni and Hwee Khim.
Our vice chairman and chairman.. ha..
Joni and me~

A grp shot with Wn's mom. =)
Joni, HK and Poh Kui, he's our sistas.. haha..
A decent shot

and a not very decent one... hiek hiek..

Kisses for my darling.
He's falling asleep... haha...

Some random pics of me cam-whoring.. haha..

- End -

4:31 AM