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Money Transfer

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Had a great evening spent with my darlings at Bishan J8~
Really enjoyed the evening with them, it's laughters in the air, as always, =D
It's a meet-up to celebrate all of our belated birthdays, haha, Mr Ryan is exceptional, as his birthday is coming soon~

Received this msg the next day from Mr Ryan, ha... yup, I bet all of us enjoyed this outing and not jus me only oh~
Met up with everyone at J8, i was late, lol, as usual lah...
J8 was kinda crowded on friday and most restaurants already queue to waiting list.
We had our dinner at Ajisen, desserts at Swensens.

Jiayin and me~
I love her dress, haha~
Chad and Ryan.

After our desserts, we started pressie exchange time~

Thou each of us ned to get 1 pressie will do for the gift exchange, but we're really nice that we bought 3 gifts, so each of us will receive everyone's pressie.

I received a really pretty chair and assessories holder, 2 in 1 gift from Ryan.

A tee from Jiayin. (It fits me jy, thanks oh, no need to change size, haha..)

And a clutch from Chad.


And what i got for the 3 of them??

A Christian Living book for Jiayin.

A Bakery book for Ryan, he bakes oki~ ha.. but he whined bout it, cuz he only bake when he's really free and his sch starts next week = not free.

An interesting photo frame for Chad. Thou photo frame was kind of lame for a pressie, but i really dunno what can i get for a guy already.

That's me receiving my pressie from Ryan.

Jia yin unwrapping her gift from Ryan.

Very exquisite right, it's really nice, and i think it's what she likes too~

Posing with her pressie~

And chad's turn to unwrap gift from Ryan. Ha, he got him a Levis Boxer. Lol..

And it's the guys turn to unwrap my pressie for them~

A very Fake expressions, wahahaha~

Alright, now the pics below was supposed to pose with expressions of feeling disappointed
But Miss Jiayin failed to do it.
All shots were grins on her face, ha...

See, i'm better~

See... she's not that kind of person to give negatives expressions, haa... she's too nice~

Lol, she's trying hard not to smile already, hahah.... And my stupid face is really retarded.

Oki, the guys turn to give stupid expressions.
They did a great job isn't it, they're born with this talent since primary school, whahaha...

Yeah, a standard group shot.
Too bad Serene wasn't ard, she's still at SHANGHAI till 7 feb to be back for CNY, till then we'll have another gathering!!!! Mr Ryan's Property.
Some shots taken inside the car.

Aftermath, we decided to watch the movie "One Missed Call".
Concluded to watch it at Tiong Bahru Plaza.
Bought our tixs and started being retards again taking stupid pics. Lol.

Retard to the max already, and Ryan being the 1st runner up, haha.
It's so ma-lu, cuz there's ppl walking ard somemore, haha...

Oki, so the show wasn't nice at all lah, so-so storyline and lousy ending. Dont waste money to watch it peepz.

I'll end here, time to sleep, nitez~
8:15 AM
Friday, January 04, 2008

A very BIG Happy 2008 to everyone~
Alright, i'm finally laying my fingers on the keyboard to blog again.
Yup, life is pretty the-same-old-routine, therefore, no point blogging bout it anyway, heh.
Alright, here goes, i'll start off with my Christmas celebrations.
Everyone's christmas great?? hee, mine was simple and sweet~
Had steamboat at marina south followed by Christmas Logcake with my love ones.
Didn't want to join the crazy peepz in town and suffer those sprays from silly ppl, kanna squeeze like hell with the everlasting crowd, worse of all, kanna BUA by disgusting blanga, eek~
Anyway, it's everyone's virgin experience to eat Logcake, wahhaha.... we're not so sua-gu lah, but since we're celebrating by having dinner tgt, why not a Logcake as desserts, =)
But, personally, i think normal cake would taste better than Logcake.
That's our lovely Logcake.

The ladies~

As for my NewYear celebration. Mr bui acc me to my grandma house for dinner, it's a gathering for the relatives and the kids.

After our dinner, we head over to Singapore Recreation Club to celebrate Matthew's Birthday. It's so cool to have a birthday celebration that have fireworks, haha.

I want it too, hehe~

From what i was told, he actually have to book the balcony area just to have a tables there for the guests to have their dinner. And it cost ard 200 plus excluding the food.

well, everyone finished their dinner, chilled, drink and count down for 2008!!! By that time, Matthew was almost gone. He started blabbering alot of stuffs, nv hear him talk so much before somemore, haha. And after the fireworks, he was so wasted that he puked all over himself and fell from the chair and knocked onto his head. Everyone was shocked and the guys rushed to sit him up amd check for any injuries. Well, the rest of the night was the guys cleaning him and tried waking him up. So, it's not that wise to drink too much on ur birthday eh~

Here's the photos on the last day of 2007.

Cute pose huh~

Lol, funny shot, they insist to have this shot.

Here's a few shots of the fireworks that was captured.

It's now the end of 2007.

Good news, i'm meeting up my darlings (pri besties) on this coming Friday. Oh man, it's been such a long long time already we haven't meet up. Like finally, we got all of us to be available on the same day, time and location. It's soooo hard for us to accomodate with each other's available time. I'm so missing them.

And, i miss my honey la, at last i got her contacts, got to msg her. I'm so excited to meet her out, she bought a doggie, jap spitz. I wanna see it so much too. We got sooo much stuffs to catch up with one another, it's real long since we sit down tgt and have our girls talk. I'll find a time to date my honey out, hee~

Honey, u're being missed by me~ *Wink*

7:30 AM