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Money Transfer

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Went to Risie darling's place this morning to Bai Nian.

It's been so long i've went to her house, her doggies are still so adorable, so as her mommy. =D

Chit Chat for a while, had our breakfast, flip thru Cleo mag and hit town to look for her dress.

NP is really good i can say, cuz they got Prom Nite for the graduating (I assume it's for graduating). But NYP, N-O-T-H-I-N-G, but those silly newsletter on career fair, blah blah blah, Boring with a capital 'B'.

Anyway, We got ourselves not-so-many things, ha, a dress, a boxer, a shorts, Risie with 2 more tops. Fun, girls shopping/outing/talks never fails to makes a girls *GRINS*

Ohya, risie darling, sorrie that i've forgotten to give u a msg that i'm home already, hee.. muackz, loves ya~ More of this activities oh, even come out to chill and la~ kopi also great.

Working and more working coming up, gonna discuss bout my full-time pay tmr or thursday, weee... shoppign spreee is waiting for me very soon~~
7:53 AM
Saturday, February 24, 2007

Samsung Ultra Edition D900

I'm in love with this phone now, weee... it's soo cool, so slim~

I'm gonna change to this phone very soon, hopefully next month or after next.

K800i, is making me sick, always cock up, thou it's pretty good but it's never reliable.

Shouldn't get it in the first place at all lah.

Finally, i've received my Rolling Stones tee i ordered from Target.

Took damn long to received it, think 3 weeks plus, omg.

Today is sunday, having steamboat for dinner with the whole family.

It's been sooo long the 5 of us sit together and have a nice dinner at home.

Cant wait.

Gotta get prepared, going to Bai Nian again... yeah~ Angbaozzzz

10:54 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year everyone~

Hope that everyone is having a FABULOUS CNY, and wish everyone a prosperous and good year ahead in Piggy Year. =)

And finally, I've finished all my exams and completed my 3 years diploma in Engineering Informatics. Phew... time flies.. in a blink of eyes, it's 3 yrs already, the image of me applying for poly is still vividly inside my mind. Everything seems jus like yesterday, and today, i've completed my dip, woohoo... great, it's time to party!

Chu Yi
Went house visiting like crazy and have so many rounds of steamboat, ahahaha... cuz got baby's and mine relatives house to go to. We went 5 house in total and that last house we reached was already 10 plus to 11. Tired. And the worse of all, i din get to see my cute baby cuzzies on Chu Yi. When i reached my nai nai hse, it's already 9, and all kids and some adults went house visiting already... booo... no pics taken with any of my cousins, sad.

Chu Yi

Chu Er

Anyway, at least i took some cute pics of my cuzzies at my ah ma hse( nt nai nai, diff).

Look, she's sooo adorable. *Pinch*

Trying her best to self snap themselves, so cute!!!

The sistas, Amanda (eldest), Nichelle (youngest)

Great, this is my fav pics~ She's so great at posing, ha.. i loves her.
And her too~ =)

Chu Er
It's friends house visiting.
First trip to Choo's hse, followed by jennifer's house. They planned to come over my hse to bai nian, but both parents not ard, mommy working, daddy went out already.. zzz, but they still received ang baos from me, on behalf of my mommy, hehe~
At jennifer's place, everyone was so excited to play with her baby, and e guys already settle down to HUAT ah~ lol..

Jennifer and her darling baby, jantzen, whoo, so cute. He's so small, yet he knows where to look at when snapping photos.

Too bad i gotta leave early again, cuz gotta go baby's relative house to bai nian.
So i cant make it to che, risie, and shihui's house.

Valentine's Day
We make it a small celebrations becuz of my exams. Baby surprised me with a cake in his room, hid a card & knife and made me to look for e knife so i could find that card too. It totally caught me off guard and I' so touch, hee. I loves him~
This cake tastes heavenly yummy, it's hazelnut chocolate with strawberries cake.
Afterwhich, we had our dinner at a japanese restaurant at TPY central, cant go far, gotta study right after our dinner.

3:55 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Went to 2 21st brithday celebration straight in 1 day. Tasted 2 21st birthday cakes in 1 day. It's Jialin and Huey Che's celebration. We went to JL's followed to Che's chalet. And i've notice that there are many january, february and march babies. Che's cake was made of LV, ha... it's really nice isn't it.

Didn't took any pics of the candle blowing or groups pics at JL's house, but pics of Tiffany, germaine and me~
I dont wanna celebrate my 21st birthday, I hope i can jus skip that day to the next. =)

With my baking urge coming again, I've got hold of a pineapple tarts recipe, I bought the ingredients and started. Yesh, it's not as tough as i thought, and it's kinda fun and satisfied to know that i know how to bake Pineapple tarts.

The Final Product, It's yummilicous. :)

07 feb 2007

It's che's actual day of her 21st birthday, all of us, the usual us met up at Syed Alwi Road. This road sounds super duper unfamiliar to me, lol.. But baby and i still made it there after work. It's jus like another mini gathering for us. Had a sumptious dinner/supper and also had loads of fun with them.

His edtion and sent me this when he was at work.

Sooo Sweet, So loved~

Yesterday was shopping shopping shopping~
Bought 1 dress, 1 shoe, i skirt, 2 tops, fake nails.... And i'm going to get more shoes and bag and belts and maybe tops.. lol, Retail therapy works!!!!

Next week gonna burn with exams and mugging at home. HELL~
10:05 PM