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Money Transfer

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Today was another hecky day.

2 presentation straight. Citect and WMS, and they are killing both me and my honey.

Citect, thought that it's all steady pon pipi to execute and run everything smoothly, and thought that the 3 hrs from 9am - 12pm is far way enough for us, but we're sooo wrong. Keep having problems to publish them onto the web and run them at the same time and update the data into our database. Grrr... we source for help who's ever inside the lab, but to no avail. Even Tecko came in to help which also failed. Grr.. so we wasted the entire 3 hrs struggling to publish it but cant and keep figuring out why.

That ya ya papaya Lecturer din even bother to help us to teach us how to publish, and jus say some rubbish. If it wasn't him who refused to check our perfectly published proj last week, we wouldnt have to waste our time for today. So, with no choice, we had to continue it after our next presentation which is after 3pm. Lucky us, our sooooo soooo kind-helpful-patient new classmate willing to help us to publish our proj to the web and tell us how to go about it. And finally, wah-la. Done perfectly done and published. Thank goodness, and now, if u ask me how to publish them, i can recite them out. :X

And next is the stupid WMS, sigh, hopeless, we need to do a super duper strong report even thou our program can run kinda smooth. Which means tmr we gotta stay behind in sch and continue to get our report done right after our OM paper. This is getting way too tiring for us... *pengz*

After everything, my honey and I was totally famished!!! We haven't have our breakfast or lunch from 9am till 4 plus... wahhaha... diet exercise for us huh... grrr!

Friday is another day to do a report for another proj, faint, Monday will be the presentation.

Project is total madness.
2:48 AM
Monday, January 29, 2007

[] You like to eat chicken feet.
[x] You sing karaoke. (Loves it till bits)
[ ] You've worn glasses since you were in fifth grade.
[x] You'll haggle over something that is not negotiable.
[ ] You are a math genius.
Total: 2

[x] You take showers at night.
[x] You avoid the non-free snacks in hotel rooms.
[x] You say "aiyah!" and "wah!" frequently.
[] You save grocery bags. (I seldom receive plastic bags, ha)
[] You twirl your pen around your fingers.
Total: 3

[x] You have been taught that wasting food is a sin.
[] Your dad thinks he can fix everything himself.
[ ] You beat eggs with chopsticks.
[ ] You like congee with thousand-year- old eggs.
[x] You have eaten moon cakes.
Total: 2

[ ] If you don't live at home, when your parents call, they ask you if you've eaten, even if it's midnight.
[x] You email/msn your Chinese friends, even though you're only 10 feet apart. [x] You can read traditional chinese
[x] Your toothpaste tubes are all squeezed paper-thin before they are thrown away.
[x] You know what pearl milk teas are.
Total: 4

[ ] You bring fruit with you as a gift when you visit people's homes.
[ ] You have acquired a taste for bitter melon.
[ ] You eat every last grain of rice in your bowl, but don't eat the last piece of food on the table.
[] Your parents argue with other adults over the dinner bill.
[x] You love to use coupons.
Total: 1

Now add the numbers up and multiply it by 4.
I am 48% Chinese.
7:21 AM

Yeah, finally i bought my die-die-must-try donuts from Donut Factory!!!!!!!!

Like what the fuck can, baby and i queued for almost 3 hrs jus for these hell Donuts, haha... think ppl will just call us mad, haha... but it's something new to try, cuz Singapore is really too boring, if there's something new like this, of cuz muz try it out at least once~ heh.

This is what I bought.
(Top left: Double chocolate wif chocolate filling inside, orange chcoclate, kaya chocolate)
(Bottom right: same, Hazelnut dark chocolate, Lotus Mocha)

Lotus Mocha is reallly nice, loves it, but overall, they taste great too! My honey bought other flavors. And she also queued 3 hrs like this, alamak, this Donut Factory is earning HUGE. And those staffs are so poor thing, i think they gotta busy from opening till close. So sad for them~

Risie 21st birthday celebration
Next BIG BIG event is my pretty Risie's 21st birthday. She celebrated it at Settlers Cafe which is a really cool & comfort place for friends to gather to chill and play any kind of board games there.

She's making her 21st brithday wish~

Her Birthday Cake that we customize for her.

So sweet, receiving her blessings from her parents.
Her dad was presenting his pressie for her precious daughter. A gold necklace wif a key pendant if i'm not wrong.

We had fun celebrating her Birthday at Settler's Cafe.
Today, we had a mountainous ice kacang at AMK central coffeeshop, Lol. Ji ge recommended it, so we went to try it. It's really BIG, and needs at least 3 peepz to finish it, but 4 will be jus nice to finish the whole plate. Next time upload the Mountainous Ice Kacang pic up~
6:10 AM
Thursday, January 25, 2007


I'm left penniless for this month. HOLY SHIT~

Nxt month gotta save and not to forget, my new year clothes not yet purchase, this is sooo HOLY SHIT~

God bless me with more $$$$ plsssss...
7:48 PM
Sunday, January 21, 2007

whoo, bloggin again. The second entry with pics of my short short hair, heh.

Today is such a lazy sunday, Baby and i woke up early, prepared and grab our lunch at Pizza Hut, coming up next is K-ing. Got the urge to hit K again.

Initial plan was to go Raffles City to get my Donuts after lunch which i failed to get it on Friday due to that super long queue (the que was really horrible and the waiting time was totally incorrigible i can tell you), but shitty me got the idea to sing k, and chose to sing k, heh since sunday wasn't ex.

Anyway, Baby promised to go with me to get that die-die-must-try Donuts... whooo... *Loves*

My Baby's the greatest, seriously. Cus he's the only one who kanna my super intolerance attitude all the time, and yet, he still tolerate everything, bear with it, thou each time he'll jus grumble that my attitude is getting from bad to worse, Lol. He's sooo sweet... so darling, oki then, I should do something abt it, even thou sometimes I'm totally clueless why i'm sooo attitude. But, sometimes, he's indecisive-ness also gets on my nerves that there's no way for me to express but starts to get annoyed, and he'll say "see, attitude again." -_-!!! I'm already so indecisive and impatient, so if u dont make decision fast, it'll jus pisssed me off very easily esp when the decision is on where and what we are going to eat. Slow decision + Hungry = Angry Me!! Simple. =)

Oki lah, some pictures for ur eye candy~

Had a "Date" with my pri mate, Ryan, ha... met him to pass him something and had our dinner tgt in Town. It's been sooo long that i've meet him. He's always the one absent from our gathering. We went to "Sun with Moon" at Wheelock place. Nice atmosphere i can say, and should be quite popular among working adults, cuz they are always full and reservations are neccessary during dinner time. Otherwise, waiting is inevitable. Lucky us that we got seated but the time is only up till 8pm becuz of the reservations made by others.

Our dinner was yummilicious, but was rather disappointed with the dessert, ha.. well, cuz that dessert we had was something like dessert of the day, so we wouldnt know what'll it be, hmm.. the one we had wasn't as great as the one that he had during his first visit. He's still a Kaypo Bitch, ha.. Keep asking me this and that, ha.. But it's still a pleasant dinner with him. =) He's a future psychologist oh~

Our surprise desserts

We are waiting for our food to be ready.

Oki, some super duper nothing to do me Pictures, ha... Ohhh, and i loves my new charms.

It's been sooo long that my blog got this amt of pictures. =) Good Sign.
7:10 AM